Waves newest plugin isn’t your average compressor! IDX Intelligent Dynamics works uniquely by suppressing excess energy in unpleasant frequencies, while adding impact and presence to the best parts of your audio signal. It may just be the fastest and easiest way to use compression in the Waves plugin lineup. Oh, and it also sounds really good. Check out the in-depth tutorial to hear what it’s all about…
Disclosure: This video is sponsored by Waves Audio. All opinions expressed are honest and based on my actual experiences.

Waves IDX Intelligent Dynamics – FREE Presets
Use the link above to download the FREE IDX Intelligent Dynamics plugin presets used in the tutorial ☝️
From Waves: IDX is a frequency-dependent compressor that responds dynamically to energy in specific frequency ranges, maximizing the effective energy of each element. By intelligently identifying and reducing areas with less useful energy, IDX brings forward the expressive parts of each track without affecting its natural tone or requiring complex EQ or sidechain setups. With just a few controls, IDX quickly enhances your track’s presence and impact in the mix, letting it cut through with ease.
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