Most engineers and producers understand the importance of using reverb to create space and separation in the mix. What often isn’t discussed is just how powerful reverb can be in creating emotion, accentuating the vibe of a song. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the different sonic considerations in using reverb as an emotional mixing tool, breathing life into instruments and vocals.
We’ll also cover a lesser-discussed technique that takes the guess work out of complex reverb settings, allowing you to focus on staying creative in your mixing process!
Disclosure: This video is sponsored by LiquidSonics. All opinions expressed are honest and based on my actual experiences.

LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven – FREE Presets
Use the link above to download the FREE Seventh Heaven Professional plugin presets used in the tutorial ☝️
Seventh Heaven is the definitive simulation of the legendary Bricasti M7 hardware reverb unit. This highly sought after reverb has been utilized by countless Grammy winning producers and mix engineers, residing in the most revered music studios all over the world. LiquidSonics has meticulously captured every nuance of the M7, along with many expanded features not available in the original hardware. Seventh Heaven reverbs are the definitive way to experience the power and beauty of the M7 natively within your DAW.

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