Logic Pro X 10.4 Update – Vintage EQ Collection

Logic Pro X 10.4 – Vintage EQ Collection

The 10.4 update for Logic Pro X introduces long-awaited, studio quality emulations of vintage hardware EQs. Although the stock EQ in Logic Pro X is a great utility plugin, it’s left Logic users looking to third party EQ plugins for the warm, vintage character to take their mixes to the next level.

In this video, we’ll take an in-depth look at the features of the new Logic Pro X Vintage EQ Collection, as well as the 3 different EQ plugins that are modeled after analog hardware units.

Vintage EQ Types & Models

Logic Pro X - Vintage EQ - Vintage Console Plugin

Vintage Console EQ
Model: Neve

Logic Pro X - Vintage EQ - Vintage Graphic Plugin

Vintage Graphic EQ
Model: API

Logic Pro X - Vintage EQ - Vintage Tube Plugin

Vintage Tube EQ
Model: Pultec

EQ Style Descriptions

Vintage Console EQ: Crisp, smooth high end boosting. Useful and musical low cut filter control.
Vintage Graphic EQ: “Tune” control creates extremely wide band settings. Smooth “sheen” for high end.
Vintage Tube EQ: Excellent mid-range EQ. Low boost amongst the best for bringing out sub frequencies.

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